Having enjoyed vacationing at the Cataloochee Ranch in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina for many years, Marsha Madorsky welcomed the opportunity to purchase property there to build her own summer home.
Marsha was drawn to Appalachian-style log homes because she felt one would fit in with the ranch's historical structures. She admired the rough look of hand-hewn logs and the signature dovetail corners. Choosing a builder was easy, as she had visited several homes built by J. Scott Campbell Construction Company of Clyde, North Carolina, and admired the craftsmanship. Read the full article (PDF)
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A Place To Unwind
For Floridian Randy Jones, the fourth time's the charm. Randy built his first log home nine years ago. Then he built three more. Finally, he's created his ideal vacation home, complete with an indoor waterfall.
After Randy built his first two log homes, he changed his tack. "Instead of extremely rustic, I decided to go with an upscale log home," Randy says. He noticed builder Scott Campbell's work in the community, and the two hit it off over their shared outlook of what log homes can be. "Most people think log homes have to be rustic, and they don't," Scott says. "You can take a rustic flavor and polish it up." Read the full article (PDF)
Landlord's Lair
Driving around the area and watching various construction projects under way, Brad came across Scott Campbell and his crew. Although they immediately hit it off personally, the professional relationship took longer. Quite a bit longer.
"For 2 1/2 years, we would look up and there would be Brad, walking through whatever project we happened to be on. He would carefully examine every facet of the job, being sure that we were doing a quality job on every phase," says Scott. "No one could say he rushed into this!"
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A Camp of Their Own
Roasting marshmallows to browned perfection over a crackling fire, frolicking in crisp blue lake waters, hiking through nature's pristine flora and forming friendship that last a lifetime - the carefree days of summer camp are the stuff of life. And nostalgia is enough to make anyone want to recreate that perfect simplicity into a year-round lifestyle.
"We spent a lot of time exploring the area and decided it was perfect for us," Gil remembers. "During our adventures, we admired several homes in the area and eventually learned they were all by the same builder. " So Gil and Marie tracked down the man behind the homes and found Scott Campbell of J. Scott Campbell Construction, who has a wealth of information about log construction. Read the full article (PDF)
Antique Hardwoods
Imagine how astonishingly beautiful it must have been, every year prior to 1950, to see the tree tops of the Blue Ridge Mountains, in summertime, completely covered by a snow-like canopy of white blossoms from the American chestnut tree.
The Culbreath's Waynesville home, built by Scott Campbell of Campbell Construction, is an extraordinary showcase of the effects achieved through extensive use of reclaimed lumber. It is amazingly warm and well-built, with a substantial feeling that belies its new construction.
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Smoky Mountain Retreat
For Denise and Scott Miller, vacationing in the mountains with their two sones provided a catalyst that led to a slower family pace and adventurous new roots. "We received a flyer in the mail about a few lots the Cataloochee Ranch was selling on the mountain above the sheep pasture," Denise says.
"Cataloochee is a very special spot," builder Scott Campbell says. "The Millers appreciate the true history and craftsmanship of this part of the Appalachian Mountains. Realistically, we tried to bring it to life in every way."
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Log Home Builders Featured in National Publications
Scott Campbell of Campbell Construction had a 5,700-square-foot home built in Cataloochee area featured in the Log Homes Illustrated 2009 Annual Buyer's Directory. This is not the first time he has been featured in a national publication.
"I want people to know the talent (for building the homes) comes from right here in Haywood County," Campbell said. "People (building in Haywood County) can get what they need right here from the talent we have right here."
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